Off to California
An ex-pat living in San Francisco remembered the happy memories of the West Coast of Scotland and particularly the Isle of Mull – so one of my ‘signature’ pieces was acquired and winged its way with the help of UPS to its new home overlooking the Bay.
Lovely to think of it hanging there!

‘Sunday in the Park with Snow’ 30×40″ oil on canvas (Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow)
Originally painted for my Christmas card, the new Stag Gallery in Buchanan Galleries wanted to feature it in their window in the run up to Christmas. The idea then came up that it would nice to try and find the little girl featured in the painting and hence the ‘Who’s that Girl?’ quest was launched and the media responded with Glasgow Live, among others, putting the search on-line. Within a day, friends had spotted the story and a proud mum let us know who she was – as it turned out both the mum and the girls’ sister were also in the painting allowing us to have a signed and framed Giclee print ready in time for the family as a Christmas present from the Gallery and myself.