‘Last Man Standing’ – 8th Ave, New York
Oil on Canvas, 29×48″
A regular ‘pilgrimage’ for me when I am in New York is a visit to 723 8th Avenue to see a solitary fragment of 3 buildings sitting alone on an empty block – doubtless waiting their fate of demolition in preparation for another towering skyscraper.
Hence I was determined to capture the scene before this view was lost forever.
As an ‘artwork’ in their own right, they give a hint of what the street would have looked like many years ago – full of colour and character, the Celtic Pub being quite magnificent with its open roof, sculptures and colourful facade reminiscent of the buildings on the Grand Canal in Venice.
However, all is not lost!
Last visit to Manhattan showed the pile drivers on site pounding away but, more importantly,
on the site hoarding an architect outline on the mighty and spectacular tower block soon to appear – SURROUNDING the three buildings- no less.
Now my visits will have a ‘shrine’ to worship at – a sacred piece of heritage preserved!
Thank God (just continuing the religious metaphor!)

Sunday Afternoon in Central Park, New York
Just in its finishing stages, 32×40″ in its frame – Oil on canvas.
I have always been fascinated by the huge rocks in Central Park and the contrast of the peace and tranquility of the Park with the view of the stunning City skyscape. The two girls sitting and contemplating the view were probably doing what the Native American Indians did many years ago – without the buildings, of course!